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Afternoon Announcements 2.3.25

Posted Date: 2/03/25 (8:32 PM)

Upcoming Campus Events

  • ASB Applications are still OPEN!! Interested in joining our ASB team please fill out an application using the link provided. Applications close next Thursday 2/13/25. You must add ASB to your Course Request Forms in order for your application to be reviewed. 
  • If you had any items confiscated at Dance entry you can come to room 1207 to retrieve them during lunch or after school today.
  • ASB will be selling Valentine Grams this week and next for delivery on Thursday 2/13. Buy in the ASB Student Store Tuesday-Thursday at lunch. 
Club, Sports, and Team Update
Athletic Week at a Glance
  • Spring Athletics start on Saturday February 8th with tryouts for Track and Field at 8am and Boys Lacrosse at 10am in Bobcat Stadium. If you are planning on participating in Spring Athletics, make sure you have completed your Athletic Clearance in Home Campus. Once cleared, you will receive a digital Ticket 2 Play sticker in your Minga App. Remember, you cannot participate in tryouts if you do not have athletic clearance. If you have questions or need assistance, please see Mr. Shoe in the Athletic Director’s office.