To prepare students for college and career level reading, writing, oral communication and digital literacy.
The Sage Creek English teachers are passionate about our students and their individual stories and success. Using that as our foundation, our team works collaboratively with each other and with students to foster a passion for reading, build a solid foundation in written and oral communication, and have a command of digital literacy. We create a rigorous curriculum that empowers students to think critically, make meaningful connections with the human experience, and to communicate their analysis in a variety of creative and innovative mediums. Students will be challenged with texts ranging from classic literature to current non-fiction pieces to film and other multimedia. We believe that given the right set of skills, combined with their independent drive and guided collaboration, our students will become engaged 21st century participants.
“The Sage Creek English Department has prepared me in every way to be successful in college. Through the oral communication, craftsmanship of essays, and ability to understand and thoughtfully process text, I have been able to find success in all my classes.”
Chloe McGovern, ‘18
College: Cal Poly SLO
Major: Food Science
“The English Department has guided me to become an articulate, thoughtful writer who excels in comparison to my peers due to my writing ability. By exposing me to all different types of writing (such as traditional essays, organic essays, annotated bibliographies, blog posts, narratives, and poems, to name a few) and structuring classes in a manner that I have had the opportunity to practice them all throughout my four year English career, few writing assignments surprised me in college (and consequently there were few that my professors found sub par).”
Heather Feldmann, ‘17
College: United States Naval Academy
Major: Engineering