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Support Sage Creek ASB

Posted Date: 11/05/24 (12:16 PM)


ASB is a self funded program that supports and runs campus events and activities. We rely heavily on the fundraising efforts through our ASB Spirit Pack and Spirit Wear sales at registration to set the budget for the year. However, we do supplemental fundraisers throughout the year to help increase our budget. We have two opportunities to support this month:

  1. We have our second blood drive this week so feel free to sign up here. We hold Blood Drives throughout the year that serve a dual purpose: Service Learning Opportunity for our Leadership curriculum while also saving lives AND fundraising as we receive funds for each pint of blood that is donated. 
  2. This year we are also trying our hand at an online Fundraising program called SchoolFundr which allows us to retain over 90% of the funds donated (they only keep the transaction fees). This fundraiser is going to help us send our ASB team to various Leadership conferences as well as allow us to continue to support events and activities on campus such as rallies, lunch activities, giveaways on National Days, freebies for attending athletic games, student recognition treats, athlete of the week recognition treats, and so much more. If you would like to donate to the ASB program you can do so through this link. 
We want to continue putting on stellar events for our student body and would love to raise the bar! Any support helps. 

Thank you,
Sage Creek ASB